a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Monday, October 6, 2008

10.6.08 - 36/365

composite drawingit's going to be a long month...
but i am learning,

i made this composite to see where i am going wrong
part of the problem is my use of watercolor,
being self taught,
as an abstract painter,
it's not such a big issue
but with figurative work
it really come into play
just one tiny flick of the brush
and i lose any semblance of a representation

and then there is the fact
that i have always used watercolor like oil
put it on
take it off
but paper is really too fragile for this
and with a portrait
i think that you rely more on transparency
and this (anti-)technique
just doesn't work

and then there is the issue of getting hung up on reality
which i am not very good with to begin with
for me this means getting stuck in representational minutiae
and the feel goes right out the window...

as i said
this is going to be a long month

(but the pears...
they are an abstraction to me
they do not require line
they do not require fidelity to the form
they smell sweet when they rot
long live the pear)


SeLFs said...

ThE "ComposiTe"
FaNtaSTiC!!!!!!!--iT iS PeRfeCt "As iS"==+++
===a whoLe FresH NeW waY to LooK aT ReaLiTy.
YoUR MerginG oF thE abstracT
aNd thE PhotO-ReaLiTy-isM
enDs uP a totaLLy NeW foRM oF ExpreSSioN(isM)istiC
FeeLinGs...a la CoMpuTeR/DigitaL maGiC/CreaTiViTy
{{{{ do i knoW whaT i'M saYinG????
aLL i knoW iS iT 'FeeLs' reaLLy GooD
i thinK thaT theRe wouLd be a MarKeT foR thiS...
---maYbe doinG otheR foLKs iN/with thiS interpretaTioNaL skiLL oF yoURs..
{{{{yoU couLd 'Do' OBaMa aNd theY couLd haNg iT iN The WhiTeHouSe...YeSssss?}}}}}

Anonymous said...

you have such a point there

yes, why fight for resemblance
and get stuck in representational minutiae when you have achieved such expression powers within abstraction... like grasping the soul, the essence of things
be they pears or cats

i love the exercise though, the task, how you can focus and achieve

you are my hero