a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Friday, April 3, 2009

4.3.09 - 215/365

in the studioit's lonely here
clearly i've been trying to divert myself from the fact
that i can't find myself
but now there's no escaping it


g_z said...

even if it is to realize
you were already found


OBdaDA said...

YoU LiVe iN wouLd (seemingLy) bE heaVeN
/ParadiSe [aT LeasT MateriaLLy --witH yoUR NeW Studio aNd HouuSe]
YeT yoU haVe thiS "NeeDy"neSS,
meSS, goinG oN sTiLL..
WeLL, caLL youR MoTheR theN..
oR Go oN a VaCaTioN==
{GeT ouT oF TowN}
cOMe HeRe foR a ViSiT TheN..
i haVe a SpaRe RooM foR yoU....