a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Monday, June 1, 2009

6-1.09 - 274/365

in the studioafter really becoming bored with the whole sp process in may
i ended up liking how the month in its totality turned out on flickr;
the photos
(which varied in approach
from dead on and dour
body parts
when i couldn't face my face again)
interspersed with the drawings, all from the same pov
created a sequence that i like

and i found it curious that for the 4 days i was away
it worked much better to use the landscapes that i made
than to substitute late april's drawings that were part of the series
i would have thought having the continuity of form would have been more effective
but the reality is you could tell they were out of order

this is why i do these daily projects
and stick with them even though they hit tough spots
it's to gain a feeling sense of process
and to reinforce my belief that inherent within it
lies a magic
even if it's just the magic of discovery

there is no playing this game without that belief
there is no playing this game without boredom, frustration & doubt
there is no playing this game without a deeply learned understanding
that there is a rightness to the difficulties
not a wrongness

i almost dropped this project several times
but i am stubborn
and this is the
(albeit tiny)
reward for having stuck with it

the affirmation that simply sticking with it
simply riding out the tough times
can result in some interesting finds
even when it feels as if
one is doing nothing but contemplating one's navel


SeLFs said...

The "May" seT/coLLectioN
oF/iN thE "365" colleCTion/Set
aT/oN FlicKr
toTaLiTy turNed ouT GgggRrrrEAaaaaTtttt..
iT waS/iS a 'niCe'(/gooD) TriP
aFteR aLL.
iT seeMs tO mE
The '''pLayiNg''' tHis gaMe''
iS reaLLy LIVING LiFe 4 oR
iNbeinG aN ARTisT.
>>>that there is a rightness to the difficulties
not a wrongness<<<
^^^i thinK thaT thiS iS a [THE] ReaL TRUTH.
iT's aLL GooD=
=[[[eSp. wiTh/bY\throuGh 20/20 HiNdSiGhT]]]
{i LOvE U}

Anonymous said...

i meanT tO SaY
"totaLLy" turneD ouT GreaT!
buT doeS iT reaLLy MaTTeR?
DoeS aNythinG reaLLy MaTTeR??
(excepT LOVE???)

g_z said...

magic does not lie

"one is doing nothing but contemplating one's navel!
thats what i do for a living