a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6.24.09 - 297/365

in the studioi know it's 2 steps forward
and one back
just wasn't ready for that so soon
i am sure it will be easier this time
to find myself
but right now
that's not much of a comfort


f_l said...

still it is a step forward
that extra one is the risk we take
sometimes it works
not always though
and sometimes it is two backwards even, at least with me

OBdaDA said...

'No CoMprenDe NaDa'
~{ iT musT bE yoUR aRTIsTa ThinG ]
[[) gooD LucK wiTh iT;;;&
mORe PoWeR tO YoUuuuu
+POweR To The PEopLe! ]])
oH, TheY goTs iT aLreaDy\NoW,,,
WeLL, aNyWaY----
FaNtaStiC PhoTo=
LiKe aBoarD a SpaceshiP iN 2099