a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6.16.09 - 289/365

in the studioomg
i've been a very lazy girl...
i capture every image both as a raw file and a jpg
under decent lighting conditions, the jpg is pretty good
but if it's dark
or the white balance is screwy
you really need to pull from the raw to get results
the problem is
photoshop & lightroom can't handle the lx3's files yet
so i need to convert to a dng first
and i get lazy
and i just adjust the jpg
and the snap looks like crap
and i shouldn't do that
this is the best i could do with the jpg:

even if you like the effect of the bottom image better,
you have the option to get there from the top
you'll never pull the continuous tones you get in the top image
from the bottom one


OBdaDA said...

i couLd randomLy saY i LiKe oNe oVeR(beTTer)
thaN thE oTheR.
BuT i LooKeD bacK aNd forTh a doZeN tiMes aNd thEy LooKs EquaL SchMeQuiL tO mY undisCeRninG eYeS
[[yoU aRe BeautiFuL]]
aLL i knoW iS thAt R A W fiLeS aRe HumonGouS.

g_z said...

raw becomes dramatic

bom dia gata*