a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Friday, June 26, 2009

6.26.09 - 299/365

in the gardenwhen i get hungry
i can go out in the garden and pick peas
most of them are still sweet
though some have been on the vine too long
it only takes about 10 minutes
for the mosquitoes to descend
and start devouring me
within 15 minutes i am a mass of welts
and it's time to go inside
but no matter how quickly i open & close the screen door
one always gets in with me


OBdaDA said...

I neVer thiNk oF MosquiToS iN N.Y.
(maNy Yrs aGo i VisiTeD NeW ORleaNs
aNd VoWeD neVer tO go BacK {downSoutH})
=becauSe oF da BuGs..})
i gueSS theRe iS ONE beneFiT tO nO RaiN/eVeR\
=No StanDinG waTeR aNywheRe heRe iN ThE deserT
ThoSe PeaS looK GooD--dO/caN yoU eaTs theM RaW???

g_z said...

so many are they!?

gotta protect yourself
so you can enjoy better