a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

12.3.08 - 94/365

in the bedi have never been a "bed" person.
all my life i have had this fear of being lazy
so "bed" was the enemy
as long as i was up
i figured i was "doing" something
at least on my way to "doing" something
but lately i have been so tired
that i really appreciate a chance to lie down
and on my studio days
i love having the laptop
so i can start the day slowly
make the posts i was too tired to finish the night before
and see what my friends are doing
it's really the most luxurious part of the day

despite the cough & the sore throat
the day continued well and i made some progress in the studio
one of the things i unpacked
were the core samples
i mimicked the way i had them in the loft

(i have another picture of them somewhere, one from a similar angle
but for now, this will have to do)

but i am not sure they'll stay here
i rather liked the openness of the window without them.


f_l said...

i know...
feels a sort of guilt
to be missing something
but it is only cultural

i have no longer this demand on me
to be 100% productive full time on duty
but also, must watch the border line, when it becomes justifiable pure laziness


Anonymous said...


bom dia princesa*

SeLFs said...

IT neVeR ceaSeS tO aMaZe mE hoW youR thoughTs paraLLeL mY oWn........
(excepT mY LaziNeSS i caN noW bLaMe
oN thiS "G-- D---" LiVeR diseaSe=whicH iS oF mY owN doinG-i kNoW)=ForGiVe mE LORD...

YOU LooK absoLuteLY "RoYaL" LyiNg TheRe LiKe a PrinceSS....

--OH, i LoVe thE coRe saMpLeS iN thE windoW==
{{{{SaD wE caN'T haVe ouR caKe aNd eaT iT tOO..}}}}}
oH weLL eNjoY theM foR awhiLe aNd theN theY caN aLwaYs bE moVeD.....

I caN See a ConstructioN LiKe a shaDoW BoX/oNLy wiTh a LighT boX tyPe iLLuminaTioN beHiND; fraMeD aNd haRd wireD iNto the WaLL...
( VerY PracticaL i KnoW..hahahahiaieeahai)
LoVe YoUuuuuuuuu