a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Monday, March 2, 2009

3.2.09 - 183/365

in the studiosome things change

others don't

still feeling disconnected

trying to filter the voices


Anonymous said...

filter not
(just go crazy like i do)


SeLFs said...

ThaT PaintinG behiND yoU==jusT keePs geTTinG beTTeR aNd BeTTeR...
%%%%%%%ThE VoiCeS--i Try to lisTeN\but i keeP thE MusiC tOO LouD tO heaR aNythinG buT whaT's PLaYinG/{aNd thaT seeMs tO KeeP thE "eViL oNes" aT BaY
```````No CoMprenDe¿^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^i aM a FiLteReR..O C D !!!
[noT 'to a FauLt'/buT to NeceSSaRiLy sO]
i sEE 'gooD' aNd 'BaD' iN EveryThinG..
i SuppreSS whaT i thinK iS "baD'
aNd Go wiTh thE 'GooD'
'Bad' wiLL aLwaYs trY tO 'peeK through'
BuT GOOD aLwaYs WiNs-giVeN tiMe&aCtioN+TLC
PeaCe ouT