a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3.14.09 - 195/365

in the studiocontinued confusion

my faithful camera is REALLY going
it's got an electronic glitch and i can barely keep it on
i am still vacillating between the canon g10 & the panasonic lumix lx3
it's size vs focal length

the lumix is tiny, has gr8 low light capabilities but basically no telephoto
(it does go very wide, but that's not my thing)
it also has a scary magenta issue

the g10 is a little bigger than what i have now
and that's an issue for me
otherwise it looks pretty solid

what's a girl to do????

whatever decision i make
(and i've been mulling over this for months)
it is going to have to happen very soon

1 comment:

SeLFs said...

YoUR WorLd LooKs sO SurreaL 2 mE=>LfT dpTyc
Rt sDe=> ReaLLy ReaL ReaLiTy
"A PorTrait oF thE ARTist aS aN ArTiST wiTh ArTs
aNd BrusH"..
~~NoBoDy DePiCTs a dipTYch BeTTeR thaN YoUuuu