a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10.21.08 - 51/365

left by right | right by left

and now for something completely different


Anonymous said...

i find hands more difficult than faces
well done!

a wee bit uneasy here
but i put it to the nervous sys
fact my body craves for nicotine

SeLFs said...

i aLwaYs trY tO LeT mY LefT haNd knoW whaT mY righT haNd iS doinG.
HoweVeR mY righT BraiN usuaLLy doesn'T knoW whaT mY LefT BraiN iS uP tO...
,,,,,, oN a CLeaR DaY yoU caN See FoReVeR..