a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Sunday, January 11, 2009

1.11.09 - 132/365

in the studiothis is my little "office" that leads into the studio
the cleaning process hasn't exactly extended this far

and that little spot on my nose...
well that's the result of this tube cleaning process
the little shards of paint can hit with amazing velocity
but i am making progress
this morning
this box was full

paint fix


OBdaDA said...

"ProgreSS iS ouR mosT iMportanT ProducT"=GeneraL ElectriC

ThanK yoU foR beinG.......

wE aRe sOoooo BLeSSeD.

SeLFs said...

YoU LooK sO SWeeT..
YoUR "littLe oFFice"
LooKs LiKe mY enTiRe WorK aRea...
YoU aRe sOoooo BLeSSeD...

Anonymous said...


Thats a lot of material to instigate new goodies
G'nite my dear