a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Sunday, December 7, 2008

12.7.08 - 98/365

brooklyn masonic temple ladies roomi'm always a sucker for a fabulous ladies lounge
and i haven't seen one like this in ages
and i thought that was what this post was going to be about
the room itself
but it's not
it's about skew
or more precisely; deskew

for a while now i have been relentlessly deskewing my images
getting rid of barrel distortion
(imperative when posting shots of paintings/drawings)
or straightening lines
and so i blithely went ahead
and did this to the picture above
in order to post it today

brooklyn masonic temple ladies roombut when i looked at it later,
i felt i had lost something intangible but essential
and so posted it as originally shot.

it was the same with my 2nd choice:
and while with the image above
i had both deskewed and adjusted the hemline of my coat,
with this one

brooklyn masonic temple ladies roomin addition to straightening lines
i replaced my head!
(i don't usually do things like that)
but ultimately,
i do like the original better

brooklyn masonic temple ladies room
and finally
another view of the room:

brooklyn masonic temple ladies roommost definately (and necessarily) deskewed


SeLFs said...

i thinK i musT bE NaTuraLLy SkeWeD.
BecauSe ThEY aLL LooK thE saMe tO Me=
MaYbE i'M noT LooKinG righT/harD enough.
OR whaTeVeR==
ThaT's wHy YoU aRe tHe aRtiSt -aNd i aM NoT!!
BuT theN + aGaiN ThaT's probaBLy wHy i aLwaYs LoVe youR PosTs(piCs) aNd aM so enthraLLeD wiTh theM aLL..
i gueSS "iF i couLd 'GeT iT'" thiS wouLd bE a GooD LeSSoN.

SeLFs said...

i dOoooo
The DiFFeRenCe NoW
liKe i saiD: YoU ARE GooD.
(a PerFecTioNiStA)

Anonymous said...

little voice likes it raw

i know...
