a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

11.20.08 - 81/365

with smudge in the studio
she (we?) are just starting to get to normal
smudge has been off her rocker since the day all the boxes came
not only was she unceremoniously shoved into the bathroom
for an unduly long period of time
(with oski, not sure that's a plus)
but boxes only mean one thing to her:
not settling in/comfort
and she has been anything but settled
so much so that
she hasn't even been sitting in my lap when i paint
(kind of a blessing because she makes it rather difficult
what with her tail swishing back & forth
like an unpredictable brush
and besides
she makes my legs fall asleep)

it took her a long time to resume position today

out takes

smudge composite


Anonymous said...

oh girl!

soon will be
both of you
trust me

i had a thought that only Z had
this restless tail moving about
full time hectic

it is only cat nature

SeLFs said...
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SeLFs said...

i'LLLLL tRRRy aGaiNNNN----
oNe worD:
::::YoUr finaL pRoducT iS PerfecT
aNd whaT i Love iS tO see thE ProceSS=
AnD whAt I lOvE To See Is The proceSS;
beinG HoW iT iS aRRiVeD aT/WitH...
frOM heRe tO EterniTy+++++++++
i LoVe thE waY yoU ShaRe youRseLf..
YoU aRe aN inspiraTioN tO mE eVery
MorninG wheN i opeN mY eyeS
aNd opeN mY compuTeR aNd checK ouT
fast forward 30 years