a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Monday, November 3, 2008

11.3.08 - 64/365

in the studio
i am not very happy about the amount of stuff in my studio right now
there is just way too much of it

the bottom line is
i make a ton of work
and i am not sure how to deal with it

i have boxes of negatives
and contact sheets

i have boxes of drawings
and pieces of drawings

i have tons of paint
including some tubes that were my father's as a teenager

i have framed work
i have work on panels
i have work on stretchers
i have work taken off stretchers and rolled

i have boxes and boxes
of my daily watercolor journals

i have all the jewelry i made
and the supplies used to make it

and it's all in the middle of my painting space....

two views,
minutes apart
idealistic vs realistic

it might be time to let go of some things


SeLFs said...

Three NiCe PiCs
YoU LooK sO SeriouS. aLwaYs.
I reaLiZe thaT's oNe parT oF yoU wiTh wHiCh I iDentiFy
aNotheR iS thE SaVinG oF 'thinGs' eSp arTs =CreatioNs oR StuFF tO Be CreaTionS-might haVe beeNs
Seeds noT waTeReD buT a bacKdroP Back-up==fertiliZeR/
ScaFFoLding foR FuTuRe endeaVoRs...aLL partS oF a ContinuUm oF tHe imPuLsiVe CreatiViTy iN/oF youR beiNg

SeLFs said...

PossessioNs aRe the baNe oF ouR existenCe....
BuT wouLdn'T wE Cease to eXisT wiThOUT theM???

f_l said...

i think you look great
a real gata
i hate to hear
"you look wonderful
for your age" :)

letting go is a lifetime exercise
the more i think i have already
more things show up in order to be left
detachment the spirit way