a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3.4.09 - 185/365

in the studio
a little bit better in the studio today
i seem to be wanting to build up layers of images/marks
but i am so impatient some times
i want to do it all in one day
this doesn't work with oil
and it doesn't allow the paintings to speak


SeLFs said...

i knoW eVeryoNe haS theiR oWn StyLe
(+or=ProCeSS)iT's aLL GOOD.......
oNe thinG aBouT Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso--HA -that hiS whoLe NaMe iN wiKiPeDiA !
ThaT aLwaYs haS iMpreSSeD mE iS hoW hE wouLd haVe ¿10?or¿30? paintinGs aLL iN ProgreSS aT oNce. aNd hE wouLd jusT gO froM oNe tO aNotheR aS iF theY weRe oNe...
((ThiS iMpreSSeD mE wheN i HeaRd iT aT the TiMe))
HE waS aN ArT MachiNe iF theRe eVeR wAS ONe--né

foR myseLf=
^^^[[["i want to do it all in one day"]]]
=thaT's whY i wenT tO AcryLicKs(sic).
{{{i knOW thE SmeLL jusT doesN'T GiT iT}}}
aNd nOw eVerythinG''''s jusT diGiTaL=4mE=
%% = oNe fooT's iN The GraVe=i TeLLs yA! %%
WeLL, i'Ve Bla bLa BLAheD eNouGH..


Anonymous said...

its all right
be patient
in the meantime...
another wee painting?