a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3.12.09 - 193/365

in the studio

as hard as it has been in the studio, it's hard to leave to go to work
and today...
i maybe shouldn't have left,
got a flat tire on the bridge on the way in
and then as i was leaving tonite,
i find that in the process of completing
the thing i have spent
the past 2 days on
i have inadvertently messed up something else,
that extends company wide...
and writing this
i still don't know
to what extent,
needless to say
i don't feel very good about things


OBdaDA said...

i don'T knoW whaT's goinG oN theRe buT thoSe PainingS behiNd yoU aRe certainLy GRaND
aNd thE diPTYch1/2 iS cOOL 2`````````

f_l said...

oh my dear
life is complex
need write you
things got a wee bit out of hand
but all is content to deal with
toward self knowledge in some sort of development layer
i hope
