a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Friday, February 6, 2009

2.6.09 - 159/365

coffee in the studioso i did it
after 10 days
(easily 7 of them with headaches)
i had a cup
i was supposed to stay off for 2 weeks
(along with no alcohol, spicy food, tomato sauce, orange juice & mints)
but it wasn't working for me
i was able to quit for about 4 months last year,
(albeit with a great deal of difficulty)
but that was b4 i was back in the studio

i honestly couldn't face another day so distraught
coffee counteracts that a bit
and even though it was only 3 more days
they are 3 studio days
and i honestly couldn't hack it
not after having waited so long to start working again

and the reality is
if i were to take "something" for my depression
it would most likely have some side effects too
so i'd rather self medicate with caffeine
as long as this weird fluttering thing in my chest isn't heart related

and i am glad to report
i had an easier day of it;
i didn't spend the entire day weeping

tulip stem


OBdaDA said...

i loVe thE waY yoUR painTinGs
reflecT yoUr PhoTos aNd viCe VerSa...
+ GoTTa LoVe thE CaFFeiN..
aFteR usinG mosT iLLiciT oNeS
i'Ve seTTleD oN beinG SaNe

Anonymous said...

oh baby
see about the chest thing, hé?!!