a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Sunday, January 4, 2009

1.4.09 - 126/365

in the studioa kind of savasana
just being silly again

i did realize in yoga the other day
that i wanted a blank canvas to start on in addition to the unfinished paintings.
i have a stretcher,
but no canvas big enough
so that is the next step...

it will be interesting to see what i do

under the influence of this light

this light


OBdaDA said...

So PerFeCt!!!!
-----------aLL thinGs conSidereD.
{{{ i'M noT a PropheT oR sOn oF a Prophet>>>
BuT i See GreaT thinGs coMiNg ouT oF BeautifuL YoU aNd thaT wondeRfuL StudiO tHiS YeaR..

Anonymous said...

under the influence
love that

to think it is winterlight
that good it is!