a little more information than you need to know

2 parallel journals, updated every day
daily bread
the other side

fast forward 30 years

daily self portraits and (not so) random thoughts

Monday, January 19, 2009

1.19.09 - 141/365

in the studioso today i thought about "play"
i was a fairly serious child
and it was "work" that was encouraged in my family;
i really don't have many concrete memories of playing...

i didn't play sports,
i danced
(which can get pretty close to "work")
what i did for pleasure was read

(while tweeting)
i realized what part of all of this on-line activity is for me:
it is play,
i think it's fun,
it makes me happy,
and it connects me to myself
and that's good enough

i started my studio day
with every intention of having a good one;
the quote i was working off of was about beauty
but i was having none of it
and i got very sad

i had a cup of coffee
which rarely fails to lift my spirits
(i was supposed to have quit again today)
and i thought i would tweet about that
(coffee seems to be a very tweet friendly topic)
since twitpix was back up
and i had never used it

so i alternated between
the keyboard and the palette
and my spirits lifted
and i made progress

the cats have switched their spots
smudge doesn't move all day from my side of the bed
and oski is by my side all day in the studio,
he's looking up too

cat in the studio


SeLFs said...

I LoVe hoW yoU shaRe youR thoughTs
BeautifuL PiCs.......................................

Anonymous said...

i remember well how zeca loved play out in the snow

well i think i got good play memories as child
teenage wise things changed
i wanted to play the grown up

but now, as you well know,
i realize i never really grew up
i just got older and grumpier